
Settlers of “Rahalim” sabotage 80 trees in As-Sawiya village / Nablus governorate

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Violation: Sabotaging olive trees.

Location : As-Sawiya village – Nablus governorate.

Date: Settlers of “Rehelim”.

Victims: Hamd Jazi.


Wednesday , January 8th 2020 , about  11:00 am , settlers of “Rehelim” were seen sabotaging olive trees from an olive grove in Dar Kamuna location southwest As-Sawiya.

Affected farmer Hamd Jazi (52) told LRC reporter:

“One of the passing drivers told us  that he saw settlers cutting and sabotaging olive trees in our olive grove  in  “Dar Kammuna” area , when I got to the olive grove , I found out that settlers already sabotaged most of the trees , and ran to “Rehelim” settlement only 500 m away from our plot.”

Reportedly, 8 settlers attacked the olive grove with sharp tools , the attack left 80 olive trees aging 7 years old completely destroyed. 

Mr.Hamd Salih also told LRC reporter: “ in 2013, settlers of “Rehelim” uprooted number of olive saplings from the same olive grove , I cultivated them once again, and now they came back after 7 years and sabotaged them, but i will never give up, and I will plant olive saplings all over again” .

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As-Sawiya village:

20 km south Nablus city , As-Sawiya is surrounded by Yatma and Yasouf (north) , Al-Lubban Ash-Sharqi (west) , Talfit and Qablan (east) and Al-Lubban Ash-Sharqi and “Eli” Israeli illegal settlement (south).

As-Sawiya has a population of (2761) people according to 2017 census.

As-Sawiya has a total area of 10,733 dunums , of which 310 dunums are a built up area for the village.

The Israeli occupation confiscate (2662) dunums of its lands for the following purposes:

  • Israeli settlement took over (2022) dunums for:

Settlement name

Establishment year

Area of controlled lands


Total area of the settlement











  • Bypass 60 devoured 640 dunums.

  • Oslo accords divided the town’s lands as the following:
  • B area: (1459) dunums.
  • C area : (9274) dunums.